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Removing short chain PFAS from landfill leachate

Removing short chain PFAS from landfill leachate


The waste management plant suffered from very high levels (90-95%) of short-chain PFAS in the landfill leachate. The customer spent two years searching for a solution to remove PFAS without any real success, screening 30+ suppliers and testing 10 methods – before evaluating SELPAXT.


After evaluation and discussions with the customer, these are the steps we took together to reach full scale operation:

  • Lab scale verification Dec 2021
  • On-site verification September 2022
  • Full-scale installation September 2023
  • Installation scope: Pre-treatment, SELPAXT treatment, post-treatment, including full service operational commitment
  • Treatment volume: 30,000 cubic meters per year
We screened 30+ suppliers and tested around ten different technologies during a two-year period without finding a solution for our PFAS problem. That is, until we met with Chromafora. Our first reaction was ‘It sounds too good to be true’. SELPAXT is the only method that successfully removes PFAS from our water streams.
Senior Project Manager,
Research & Development


  • Successful full-scale installation operating since September 14, 2023
  • Site analyses confirm treatment results from on-site verification – reducing more than 90% of short PFAS chains